Washington State Hospice & Palliative Care Organization

Welcome to our New Online Community

About Us


Visit our webinar partner Hospice and Homecare Webinar Network (HHWN) for information about educational offerings available online.

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Find helpful links about hospice, palliative care, grief and bereavement and end-of-life options to guide informed decisions with compassion.

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WSHPCO's annual fall conference "Embracing Grace: A Journey of Gratitude in Hospice & Palliative Care” is October 21-22 at Campbell's Resort in Chelan.

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Networking Groups

Our networking groups are open to Provider, Associate and Individual members, and other interested participants.

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Calendar more

WSHPCO End of Life Health Equity Networking Meeting

WEBINAR: Providing Spiritual Care to Agnostics & Atheists

WEBINAR: Using Conflict Resolution to Save & Accelerate Your Business

WSHPCO Hospice Medical Directors Networking Meeting

Meet Our Associate Members, Affiliates & Partners