Select Your Member Type

The Washington Hospice & Palliative Care Association offers 3 categories of membership:

Provider Members are corporations, agencies, or divisions who provide hospice and/or palliative care under a single CMS Provider Identification Number (Including identified multiple locations).

Provider Member benefits extend to all members of the hospice/palliative care program. Provider Members have voting rights and responsibilities within OHPCA. Dues Calculation: $400 + $5.50 per patient admissions in previous calendar year, assessed annually in July.

Associate Members 
are corporations, organizations, agencies, divisions, or businesses that have an interest in hospice and palliative care but do not provide direct hospice or palliative care services to families.

Associate Member benefits do not include access to networking groups for Provider Members. Associate members are non-voting members. Dues: $500 annually.

Individual Members
 are individuals that have an interest in hospice and palliative care but do not provide direct hospice or palliative care services to families.

Individual Member benefits do not include access to networking groups for Provider Members. Individual members are non-voting members. Dues: $50 annually.


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